Monday, 19 April 2010

Luke, Krook bonk.

Chitty Dean

Our mate Dean from Chitchester was up the other week , we managed to get a little skate down at NewBird.Front side Ollie over the unfinished pump bump


Kevin Eat's Vegetables

Haggis is a Artist"

This is Haggis first instillation titled "Chick on a jam rag have a fag"
Watch out for this artist he's gonna be big

Tosser Champion

Pitch and Toss supremo Haggis.
15 mins, 15 Quid

Friday, 16 April 2010

Louie Kicking off!!

Nick pissing Louie off and Ali looking a little worried


"What's in a room? That which we call a room
By any other name would smell like a room."

Mac RAPPING up Warm

Mac Rapped up warm this winter to start filming for the Lost Art video